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FarPoint Button Objx

Programe Development Software

TEL: 02-2597-1006


FarPoint Button Objx 按鈕元件製作軟體

FarPoint's Button Objx是最綜合的按鈕製作元件,使用它,你不僅能完全替代windows的按鈕製作元件來創建外觀改善的按鈕,你也能自訂活動按鈕和工具列。
The best GUI component for customized buttons, toolbars, and containers.

FarPoint's Button Objx is the most comprehensive button-like control available. Not only can you replace the Windows button control to create visually enhanced buttons, you can create fully customized active buttons and toolbars as well as custom-shaped containers. You can also dynamically change pictures and shapes, add multiple hotspots within your custom-shaped region, or use its many features to fully customize your interface. Also included is the Balloon control, the easiest and most extensive control for adding customized help balloons (tool tips) to your application using standard or custom shapes.