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SuperSMITH 可靠度分析軟體

Statistics Software

TEL: 02-2597-1006


SuperSMITH 可靠度分析軟體

SuperSMITH ® 軟件在版本煥然一新5.0AZ高。富爾頓結果有限責任公司,是世界上第一個廣泛使用的威布爾工程軟件的製造商,已經與SuperSMITH韋伯和SuperSMITH視覺更緊密集成的用戶界面向前邁進。下圖所示的新圖標佈局整合了通用的功能與可變性建模,趨勢分析和預測獨特的工具。熟悉數據網格(數據輸入和數據編輯)和結果框(圖和報告)基本保持不變。改革涉及整合的大尺寸圖標,在簡化模式相關的下拉菜單。所有以前的功能保留在專門的領域,如阿伯內西風險增加了新的功能,加速試驗,巴林杰工藝可靠性和蒙特卡羅模擬。

SuperSMITH® software has a new look in versions 5.0AZ and higher. Fulton Findings LLC, the maker of the world’s first widely used Weibull Engineering software, has moved ahead with a more tightly integrated user interface for SuperSMITH Weibull and SuperSMITH Visual. The new icon layout shown below consolidates common functionality with unique tools for variability modeling, trend analysis, and forecasting. The familiar data grid (data input and data edit) and results box (plots and reports) remain virtually unchanged. Changes involve integration of the larger-sized icons with associated drop-down menus in a simplified pattern. All previous functionality is retained with new functionality added in specialized areas such as Abernethy Risk, Accelerated Testing, Barringer Process Reliability, and Monte Carlo Simulation.


SuperSMITH Weibull is Windows based probability plot software which is compliant with Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.


SuperSMITH ®軟件在版本煥然一新5.0AZ高。富爾頓結果有限責任公司,是世界上第一個廣泛使用的威布爾工程軟件的製造商,已經與SuperSMITH韋伯和SuperSMITH視覺更緊密集成的用戶界面向前邁進。下圖所示的新圖標佈局整合了通用的功能與可變性建模,趨勢分析和預測獨特的工具。熟悉數據網格(數據輸入和數據編輯)和結果框(圖和報告)基本保持不變。改革涉及整合的大尺寸圖標,在簡化模式相關的下拉菜單。所有以前的功能保留在專門的領域,如阿伯內西風險增加了新的功能,加速試驗,巴林杰工藝可靠性和蒙特卡羅模擬。

SuperSMITH® software has a new look in versions 5.0AZ and higher. Fulton Findings LLC, the maker of the world’s first widely used Weibull Engineering software, has moved ahead with a more tightly integrated user interface for SuperSMITH Weibull and SuperSMITH Visual. The new icon layout shown below consolidates common functionality with unique tools for variability modeling, trend analysis, and forecasting. The familiar data grid (data input and data edit) and results box (plots and reports) remain virtually unchanged. Changes involve integration of the larger-sized icons with associated drop-down menus in a simplified pattern. All previous functionality is retained with new functionality added in specialized areas such as Abernethy Risk, Accelerated Testing, Barringer Process Reliability, and Monte Carlo Simulation.




SuperSMITH™ YBath 是一個基於Windows的概率繪圖軟件由浴缸軟件公司分析用於製造可靠性改進的多失效模式的數據。它工作在Windows 95,Windows NT或Windows 2000或Windows 7的環境中使用長文件名 ​​的32位程序。

SuperSMITH™ YBath is a Windows based probability plotting software by Bathtub Software Inc. for analyzing multi-failure mode data used for making reliability improvements. It operates in a Windows 95, Windows NT, or Windows 2000, or Windows 7 environment as a 32-bit program using long file names.  For details about each SuperSMITH YBath revision.