Aabel 統計分析軟體
What's New?
A Unique Solver for Kernel Density Estimate With AMISE Optimal Bandwidth Analyzer
• Efficient use of Kernel density estimate, which is
widely used in data mining and pattern recognition,
depends on computation of the optimal bandwidth of the kernel.
While AMISE (Asymptotic Mean Integrated Squared Error) optimal bandwidth can pro vide the best estimation, it involves extensive and time-consuming computation.
• Gigawiz has developed a unique hybrid solver for processing
the data and estimating the corresponding AMISE optimal
bandwidth by:
• Computing the univariate density derivatives for each data
point implementing the recommended methodology publish
ed by Raykar and Duraiswami(2005), followed by using the Sheather and
Jones method (1991) for the actual bandwidth estimation.
• The Gigawiz hybrid solver has been stress tested using
10000 data sets, including both real world and simulated
Gaussian Kernel Density Trace Charts
Gaussian kernel density trace charts including:
• A graph type whose plotting involves processing the data
and computing the AMISE optimal bandwidth (using the
Gigawiz hybrid solver) while generating the resulting chart
on the fly
• A graph type with the rule of thumb bandwidth selectors
(i.e., Silverman's approach and percentage of sample range),
for exploratory visualization of the effect of bandwidth on
kernel density estimation
• Z-Score kernel density trace
• LOWESS (Robust Locally Weighted Regression) With
Weighted Confidence Interval (CI)
• LOWESS is an outlier resistant, robust locally weighted
regression and scatter smoothing, in which the fitted
value of xk is the value of a polynomial fit to the data
using weighted least squares, where the weight for
(xi, yi) is large if xi is close to xk and small if xi is far
from xk.
• The features and graph types include:
• Exploratory LOWESS Charts
• LOWESS Residual Dependence Graph
• Adding Weighted Confidence Interval (CI) to LOWESS Curves
• Using the LOWESS of Residuals as a Diagnostic Tool*
* The residual plot can provide information for choosing a
reasonable value for the local smoothing width).
Weighted Mean
• In weighted arithmetic mean, different weights are assigned
to different data points. In ordinary arithmetic mean, all
data points are assumed to have identical weight.
• The weighted mean has no analytic analogue of the standard
error of the mean for estimating the confidence limits.
Violin Charts
A violin chart comprises a combination of box plot and density trace;
violin chart types include:
• One-way violin
• Two-way violin
• Three-way violin
Bandwidth Selector Options:
• For interactive, exploratory visualization, you can choose one
of the following options:
• Silverman's approach using alpha
• Silverman's approach using IQR
• Percentage of sample range (for this option, you can obtain
the AMISE optimal bandwidth estimate (as well as the corres
ponding scaling factor)in theStats Analyzer and use the outp
ut for providing the user-defined scaling factor)
XY and Multi-profile Scatter-Line Combination Charts
XY Scatter-line combination charts*:
With data objects connected along the sorted values of Y-axis
With data objects connected along the sorted values of X-axis
* Why Combining XY Scatter and Line Chart Properties?
• In an XY scatter chart, the data points represent groups of
data objects that are plotted in the pipeline order (i.e., the
order they are stored in the worksheet)
• In a line chart, the data points represent variables plotted
along the sorted values of the Y- or X-axis.
• Combination graph types enable plotting a line chart in
which the data points represent groups of data objects.
Multi-profile scatter-line Combination Charts:
• Trends of multiple X-variables plotted across the sorted
values of a common Y-axis
• Trends of multiple Y-variables plotted across the sorted
values of a common X-axis
Group-based n-Dimensional REE/Multi-Elements Diagrams
• The newly added diagrams to specialized module of geochemic
al data provide flexibility for exploratory visualization of n-dime
nsional spidergrams generated from large data sets.
• Group-based n-dimensional REE or multi-elements diagrams
• Group-based spidergrams differentiated by data object mark
ers and/or line attributes taken from the object marker color
• Group-based spidergrams differentiated by color bands
Open-GL Based 3D Grid Data Processor Utility
• This Open-GL utility is designed for:
• Subtracting a grid Z-values from another (e.g., generating a
grid for an isopach map)
• Subtracting a grid Z-values from a user-defined XY plane
• Subtracting a user-defined XY plane from a grid Z-values
• Multiplying a grid Z-values by a constant, e.g., converting
the Z-values from feet to meter
• Re-sampling the displayed grid by user-defined number of
grid cells along the X and Y coordinates (e.g., for increasing
resolution of a grid for volume or area calculations)
Open-GL Based 3D Grid Volume & Area Calculator Utility
• This utility is designed for calculating a number of parameters
from a matrix by applying the calculations to:
• A user-defined polygon path comprising straight segments
• The total data coverage
Enhancement of Utility Windows
• The utility windows were re-designed to be modeless for
not blocking any other activities of the application.
Optimization of Functions Interacting With Mac OS X Subsystems
• The main enhancements include:
• Making the application more resilient to design errors of the
Apple HFS+ file system
• Workaround for enhancing the graphic performance that is
affected by low-performing parts of the Quartz Graphic Syste