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Drawing Software

TEL: 02-2597-1006


Moment of Inspiration (Mol) 3D繪圖軟體

Moment of Inspiration軟件的極簡用戶界面綜合行雲流水的工作流程和強大工具,使得MOI非常適合於感覺現在的CAD設計工具不易掌握的人們最佳選擇

MoI’s sleek intuitive UI blends a fluid easy workflow with powerful tools, making it the perfect choice for someone who has been frustrated with the complexity of existing CAD tools.

MoI is also a fantastic complementary tool for a polygon-based artist since its CAD toolset and advanced boolean functions enable extremely rapid creation of mechanical or man-made type “hard surface” models. The icing on the cake is MoI’s unique polygon mesh export that generates exceptionally clean and crisp N-Gon polygon meshes from CAD NURBS models.

Pen-tablet friendly user interface.

    MoI features a unique user interface that integrates particularly well with a pen tablet. Unlike most programs, you don't have to constantly tap the Shift, Alt, or Control keys, so you don't have to hover over the keyboard when using MoI. Also right-clicking tends to be awkward with a pen. MoI provides simple left-click methods for view manipulation functions that require right-clicking in other CAD programs.