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Design-Expert® 13

Research & Analysis Software

Design-Expert 13 實驗設計軟體

Design-Expert Description 13

Design Expert11是一款功能強大的實驗設計專家,它是目前使用最為廣泛的設計軟件之一,使用可對產品或過程進行突破性改進。您不僅可以篩選關鍵因素,還可以找到頂級性能的理想工藝設置,並發現最佳產品配方。輕鬆查看可旋轉3D圖的所有角度的響應面。設置標誌和探索交互式2D圖形上的輪廓,並使用數值優化功能找到最大可取幾十個反應同時進行!


  • 二級析因篩選設計:確定影響你的過程或產品的關鍵因素,以便你能取得突破性的改進。
  • 一般析因研究:發現分類因素的最佳組合,如原料供應的來源與類型。
  • 響應面方法(RSM):找到最佳的過程設置以達到峰值性能。
  • 混合設計技術:為您的產品配方找到理想配方。
  • 工藝因素、混合物成分和分類因素的組合:混合蛋糕(不同配料)並烘烤!
  • 分割圖的設計與分析:通過將難以更改的過程因子和/或混合組件進行分組,使您的實驗更加容易。
  • 您的設計專家程序提供旋轉的3D圖,可以輕鬆地從各個角度查看響應面。使用鼠標設置標誌,並在交互式2d圖形上探索等高線。我們的數值優化函數可以同時找到幾十個響應的最大期望值!


  • 1.Design-Expert是全球頂尖級的實驗設計軟體。
  • 2.Design-Expert 是最容易使用、功能最完整、界面最具親和力的軟體。
  • 3.Design-expert 設計專家是為科研人員設計實驗方案的輔助軟體,通過選取適當的設計方法,可以有效地減少所需的實驗次數,但不改變實驗的結果。
  • 4.該軟體學習容易,設計簡單,十分易於操作,值得在科研以及更廣闊的領域應用。目前採用這個軟件進行設計並發表論文是廣大科研工作者普遍採用的一種方式。
  • 5.優化試驗的論文中, Design-Expert是最廣泛使用的軟體。
  • 6.Plackett–Burman(PB)、Central Composite Design (CCD)、Box-Behnken Design(BBD)是最常用的實驗設計方法。

Design Expert 13新功能

  • 1.更方便和更快速!Design-Expert包含了Design-Ease所有的功能。
  • 2.增強的設計評估和許多新的特徵使得它比以往更好。
  • 3.自義設計試驗的更多選項,增加的統計量和更簡潔的報告。
  • 4.增加的可視性和多功能工具和特徵。
  • 處理器1GHZ
  • 硬盤250MB剩餘空間
  • RAM2GB
  • 顯示器1024x768
  • Windows 8,8.1
  • Windows 10
  • macOS 10.12 或更新

What's New

Version 13 of Design-Expert® contains a slew of new features. Poisson regression is a new addition to our analysis techniques that allows for a more accurate analysis of count data. In addition, we have added new general plotting tools, data import features, and more.

Poisson Regression

  • Responses with count data (e.g. 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, …) will have a Poisson Regression option on the Configure tab. This provides a more accurate fit and a straightforward interpretation of model coefficients, as opposed to using a square root transformation.

Multiple Analyses

  • You can now create multiple analyses for a single response. Try out different models or different transformations without having to overwrite other analyses or duplicate response columns.

Modify Design Space Wizard

  • The Modify Design Space wizard provides step by step instructions to move, grow, or shrink your existing design space. Then runs will be added to provide an optimal analysis of the new or modified space.

Design Enhancements

  • The Constraints node now allows you to modify existing constraints after the design is built. Previously the design would need to be rebuilt to modify these constraints.

  • Importing data is much easier using the Import Data Set option. You just have to paste in your data and denote each column’s properties. Factor coding is imputed from the data.

  • You can now round factor values by right-clicking the column header. For non-mixture factors you can round by either decimal or significant digits. Due to the equality constraint, mixture components can only be rounded to a number of significant digits.


  • A new tab in the factors tool allows you to control multiple graphs at the same time. Sliding the gauge for a factor will update all visible graphs where that factor is not on an axis.

  • There is now a Box and Whiskers plot available in the Graph Columns node. This can be useful to get an idea of variability in categorical levels, blocks, or any other column of data.